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AccueilSommaires et résumés (1985-1996)1Notes bibliographiquesC.H. Dodd, The Crisis of Turkish ...

Notes bibliographiques

C.H. Dodd, The Crisis of Turkish Democracy, North Humberside, England, The Eothen Press, 1983, 136 p.




In only 87 pages of text Clement Dodd achieves his goal of explaining to students and others who know little about Turkey why the multi-party system broke down in the late 1970's and what happened during the period of direct military rule between 1980 and 1983. Knowledgeable persons will also find this to be an interesting book because it contains many original arguments and insights by a perspective scholar of the Turkish political scene.

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Référence papier

Joseph S. SZYLIOWICZ, « C.H. Dodd, The Crisis of Turkish Democracy, North Humberside, England, The Eothen Press, 1983, 136 p. »Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien, 1 | 1985,



Référence électronique

Joseph S. SZYLIOWICZ, « C.H. Dodd, The Crisis of Turkish Democracy, North Humberside, England, The Eothen Press, 1983, 136 p. »Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien [En ligne], 1 | 1985, mis en ligne le , consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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